Learning Management: It Doesn't Have to Be a Hassle

Posted by Sean Markham - February 01, 2018


As someone who is fairly new to the world of eLearning and has worked in both content development as well as learning management development, I’ve learned two things:

  1.  If your student isn’t actively engaged in their training, then, well maybe they should be, and
  2. How your student accesses and receives their training is just as important as the training itself

The learning process doesn’t start when the “training” starts and it doesn’t end when the “training” ends either. The student is always learning, even when they’re not technically in their training. Which is why, as I learned from point #1, it is vital that you engage with your user.

More than just a pat on the back

It’s one thing for your employee to get their training, retain it, and pass an assessment of their iStock-823332080.jpgknowledge on the subject. Congratulations to them, they passed. It’s another thing entirely for them to seek out training and want to participate. And this is why learning management is so important. With the right management system, you can create an environment in which employees engage with one another. Coworkers are, let’s be honest, often the best part about a job. But building a training culture can be much easier if you use that relationship. Competition and gamification are great ways to drive training, and it is even easier if you have a way to manage your learning. Giving students a reason to learn other than that you want them to or need them to, say, because they want to get a higher score than their friend, is an excellent way to boost both participation and enthusiasm. It’s the ultimate motivational tool to use to engage your students, and perhaps more importantly, keep them engaged.

But wait, there’s more!

Like I said, the second thing I have learned is that not only can the training engage the student, but how it’s accessed is even important. Yes, competition can be a big help, but if it’s not easy to find, competition doesn’t sound so fun anymore. If a student has an easy to use interface to access their training, it goes a long way. They will be much more eager to jump on when they need to, and if givensean m. blog.jpg.png the right tools, may be inclined to seek out training on their own. In addition to driving training, they want to know how they may be doing on their training, how much they have left to completed, how much they’ve already completed, and other pieces of information that they should have easy access to. So, while it is very important for students to learn and develop as employees, how they access it can be the difference between a student who doesn’t want to even take the time to find it, and the student who actively seeks it out.

This is, of course, is all much easier said than done, especially coming from someone who loves to learn (I’m one of those people who clicks the “Random article” link on Wikipedia). But it truly can come down to convenience and engagement. And a learning management system as well as training that keeps your student engaged before, during, and after training can make all the difference.


Blog author: Sean Markham Cognition Development TeamCLICK HERE  for hassle-free  learning management!What have your learning management experiences been? Positive? Negative? Share them with us -  let's keep the conversation going! Complete the form below.


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Topics: Learning Management System (LMS), eLearning, training module, employee development, gamification, eLearning developer, human resources

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