Home organization is having it's time, and it seems like we're all looking for organizing systems that are smart, sustainable, and aesthetically pleasing. It makes it seem more approachable and – if possible – more exciting.
While most learning and development platforms don’t allow you to store your modules and courses in pretty boxes with calligraphy labels, there is an approachable, and yes, even exciting way to think about creating a SIMPLE process that keeps your LMS as sparkling as a newly deep-cleaned and organized pantry.
It’s just like any other clutter… Start with the essentials
When you start digging into curriculums, user groups/positions, and assignments (oh my!), it’s a lot. Setting up goals for what you and other administrators may want/need can help define what the right next step is in de-cluttering your curriculums.
Part of those goals may need to be eliminating what is no longer necessary. Older modules that are not being assigned, position groups that are now obsolete because of organizational changes– review things that can be removed/deactivated/deleted to help keep your admin space focused on what is being used and is essential.
A great way to see the ‘big picture’ is to use the data exports in your LMS. For our Cognition clients, the following reports will likely be helpful:
- Learning Modules Report - see the catalogue of modules and ALLLL the details
- User Report - view of all users in the system and their properties
- Assignment Report - see who’s getting which assignments
By adding in other queries, such as number of assignments or assignment history, you can start to sift through the data and identify what stays and what goes.
Get feedback and support
Talk to your managers, talk to your stores, your warehouses – see what ACTUALLY is happening from a training perspective versus what is just being assigned/completed. The incentive here? Time and money.
The reality is that the more cluttered your LMS is, the more likely that your associates are taking content that they may not need, which could leave them feeling disenchanted with their role and your brand. But in addition, the business is spending money on training hours that just aren’t necessary.
Remember those reports that you pulled? While all of that data is great to have, it’s how you work with it that makes the difference. This is where you can get your team involved to segment the curriculum reviews by a certain position or certain courses – divvying up the work will help you crunch through it and give you additional perspectives on what is best for your learners. But if you’re a team of one, don’t let that stop you. Some of those managers and supervisors that you talked with may be able to support you in your clean-up efforts.
Consistency is key
It’s a common saying but it holds so much truth – being consistent in the way you code things, name modules, descriptions, etc. is the key you are giving your Future Self to keeping your learning content cleaned up and aligned with the business.
There is usually a reason for how a position or curriculum was put together – but often that goes undocumented. As part of your system, define what that organization looks like for all administrative users. For example, when creating a new module determine what type of coding or versioning can you put in place to help inform others (and yourself) of what that module is and why it’s important. Same thing goes for positions or user groups – make sure you document what the group is, what it’s for, etc.
Most LMS systems should provide a place within the platform itself to denote some of this information, but if it doesn’t, or if you find you need more notes or organization, alternative documentation can be helpful. Whether that’s an Excel that lives on a shared site or a wiki that can be updated as time goes on, the important thing is that it’s reviewed and updated often so that it supports old and new users alike.
We all know those daunting feelings of being overwhelmed when setting up a system to keep organized, and your LMS may have you feeling the same way. But you don’t have to do it alone! Reach out to your LMS partner for tips as well as what options they may have for as you dive into redoing your curriculums. Believe us when we say your Future Self will thank you!