When you invest in employee training, you want to make sure it works. The information conveyed needs to stick, and whatever platform or module you use, it has to be effective. There are several factors that determine whether the learning management system you’re using is going to get the job done.
The following five elements are some of the most important when it comes to the effectiveness of employee training. Does yours measure up?
Strong Visuals
“Part of the reason behind the effectiveness of video, especially when it comes to clearly presenting concepts, lies in the principles behind the ‘picture superiority effect.’ If you have not heard the term, it originates from experiments investigating which factors improve human information retention. In short, the experiments concluded that concepts are far more likely to be remembered and internalised when presented visually as opposed to words. Visual generates both image and verbal representations in the mind, as opposed to solely verbal. Words and pictures (hint: think video) improves information retention by 650 percent when compared to solely words.” — Training Journal
Good Audio
“Rich media is a unique design approach that allows the materials and courseware to incorporate instructional design sound while offering very compelling content for training purposes. This is designed to fully engage participants while at the same time facilitating knowledge transfer. Topics that can be covered with the incorporation of instructional sound design include government related training, health care, IT, reliability and maintenance, human resource and safety training among others. For example, audio within training modules are vital to the IT industry, where industry leaders can offer tips and tricks to new software and system updates. SolarWinds, an IT management software company, offers video resources that help users with products, troubleshooting, software updates and much more.” — Memeburn
Tracking Capabilities
“An LMS enhances work performance by the use of adequate and timely tracking and recording tools. The tracking tools can be used to monitor the overall progress of the business and make sure that everything is running smoothly. You can as well ensure that staff are performing efficiently by first identifying and then evaluating areas that require improvement. Usually, a learning management system helps an instructor evaluate the performance of students when taking a course. Through assignments that are issued periodically, though, it's easy to determine employee's retention levels. You can even issue assignments to subordinate staff or new recruits, to determine their working skills.” — Business.com
“Learning discussions often overlook a critical touchpoint that connects every member of the organization across departments, divisions and geographies and connects the company with all of its external stakeholders including customers, shareholders and suppliers. This powerful asset is the corporate brand, the idea standing behind every product and service produced and every employee within the enterprise. A strong corporate brand can distinguish a company and speak for the way an organization and all of its people do business. As employees internalize the corporate brand, their words and behaviors deliver the brand externally.” — CLO Media
Serial Information
“Many micro-videos are published as part of a series of videos. For instance, BizLibrary and other leading producers publish new content on a topic area such as new manager and supervisor skills. The topic area contains as many as 10 to 12 separate video lessons, each of which are in the five- to seven-minute range; in other words, micro-learning. Employees who consume these video lessons can watch the entire series, or they can go straight to an individual video lesson on a specific subtopic or skillset (for example ‘delegation’ in the new manager series). Once the employee completes the entire series, he or she can revisit any video lesson for a quick refresher or reinforcement.” — 2ELearning
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